Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila

Sale price$20.15

Jose Cuervo Especial® Gold: The Ultimate Tequila for Margarita Lovers

If you’re looking for a tequila that will make your margaritas taste amazing, look no further than Jose Cuervo Especial® Gold. This is the world’s best-selling tequila, and for good reason. It’s a golden blend of young tequilas that have a sweet and smooth flavor, with hints of agave, oak, and vanilla. It’s perfect for mixing with any margarita recipe, whether you like it frozen or on the rocks. Jose Cuervo has been crafting tequila for over 250 years, and they know how to make it right. Don’t settle for anything less than Jose Cuervo Especial® Gold, the ultimate tequila for margarita lovers. (40% ABV-80 proof)

Sizes: 750ML

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