Koch El Mezcal Ancestral Espadin Sola de Vega Mezcal

Sale price$99.50

Koch El Mezcal Ancestral Espadin Sola de Vega Mezcal

This Koch El Mezcal Ancestral Espadin takes pride in its traditional production methods that honor the essence of mezcal craftsmanship.

Key Features:

  • Ancestral Techniques: Crafted without the use of metal tools, following ancient traditions.
  • Outdoor Fermentation: The agave ferments naturally in sabino wood tubs under the open sky.
  • Clay Pot Distillation: Distilled using clay pot stills (Olla de Barro) for a unique flavor profile.
  • Unbeatable Quality: The result is a mezcal that stands out for its exceptional taste and authenticity.
  • Traditional Craftsmanship: Experience the most authentic and traditional way of producing mezcal.

This Koch El Espadin is made using ancestral techniques which amongst other things prohibits the use of metal tools. Fermentation is done spontaneously outdoors using sabino wood tubs and distillation is through clay pot stills (Olla de Barro). The resulting product is simply unbeatable. It is the most traditional way to produce mezcal.

Size: 750ml